Gender Wars: East and South
Gender Wars: East and South Closing Conference and Exhibition
For the past two years, the Gender Wars: East and South research network has been exploring its cross-regional cultural, historical, and political implications, uncovering their similarities and differences within and between Central Eastern Europe and Latin America. Our aim has been to provide a more nuanced understanding of the intersections of history, religion, sexuality, and gender have contributed to a backlash against women’s and LGBTQ+ rights across the globe.
We held a final project conference on the 25th and 26th of September 2024 at St Antony’s College, Oxford. Bringing together twenty speakers and an audience of around 100 in-person and online, the event offered a dynamic platform for scholars from across Europe and Latin America to present comparative studies and case analyses related to these pressing issues.
A full write up of the conference can be found here.
Karol Radziszewski “Gender Wars”
As part of the Gender Wars: East and South project, network member Karol Radziszewski put on an exhibition at St Antony's College, Oxford. A write up of the exhibit can be found on our blog.

Previous events:
Gender Wars: East and South: Final Conference
Gender Wars: East and South Closing Conference
Exhibition: Gender Wars presents Karol Radziszewski
Methodology Workshop: How to study conflicts over gender and sexuality?
Recording: Abortion Figurations. Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law
Abortion Figurations: Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law
Recording: The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe
The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe
Feminist resistances in Latin America and Europe
Partner Affiliated Event: LGBTQ+ Studies at Risk
Discussion: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Recording: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Gender Wars: East and South: Final Conference
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