Methodology Workshop: How to study conflicts over gender and sexuality?
Gender Wars: East and South
Upcoming event: Final conference
Further information and the programme for the final conference can be found here.
For the past two years, the Gender Wars: East and South research network has been exploring its cross-regional cultural, historical, and political implications, uncovering their similarities and differences within and between Central Eastern Europe and Latin America. Our aim has been to provide a more nuanced understanding of the intersections of history, religion, sexuality, and gender have contributed to a backlash against women’s and LGBTQ+ rights across the globe.
Previous events:
Recording: Abortion Figurations. Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law
Recording: Abortion Figurations. Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law
Tuesday 14 May, 3:30 pm in Oxford, 11:30 am in Brasília
Abortion Figurations: Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law
Abortion Figurations: Using Human Rights to Change Abortion Law
Tuesday 14 May, 3:30 pm in Oxford, 11:30 am in Brasília
Recording: The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe
Recording: The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe
Wednesday 29 November 2023
The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe
The role of global networks and actors in Latin American and Eastern Europe
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Feminist resistances in Latin America and Europe
Feminist resistances in Latin America and Europe
Thursday 19 October 2023
Partner Affiliated Event: LGBTQ+ Studies at Risk
Partner Affiliated Event: LGBTQ+ Studies at Risk
Thursday 23 March 2023
Discussion: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Discussion: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Tuesday 21 March 2023
Pracowania Etnograficzna, Duży Pokój, ul Kubusia Puchatka, Warsaw
Recording: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Recording: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Thursday 16 March 2023
Shifting narratives: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Shifting narratives: Archives, Queerness, and Violence
Wednesday 15 March 2023
Discussion at the University of Warsaw
Discussion at the University of Warsaw
Wednesday 14 December 2022
University of Warsaw, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Zurawia 4, room 108
Roundtable: Liberal practices and conservative global knowledge flows
Roundtable: Liberal practices and conservative global knowledge flows
Thursday 1 December 2022
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