Flávia Biroli is an associate professor of Political Science at the University of Brasília (UnB). She was the president of the Brazilian Political Science Association (2018-20). She is a member of the executive board of the Brazilian Network of Women Scientists and was part of the international Expert Groups that prepared the reports for the 64th and 65th Commission on the Status of Women of the United Nations (2019 and 2020). She was the editor of Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política (2008-2017) and an associate editor of Politics & Gender (2018-2019). She has published many articles and books on gender and democracy in Brazil and Latin America, resulting from her studies about women’s political participation, disputes on abortion rights, theoretical debates on autonomy and care, and the backlash against gender in its connections to the pushback in democracy. Among her books are Gênero e desigualdades: limites da democracia no Brasil (São Paulo, Boitempo Editorial, 2018) and Gênero, neoconservadorismo e democracia (São Paulo, Boitempo Editorial, 2020, with Maria Machado and Juan Vaggione).